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How is Rural Homelessness Different from Urban Homelessness?
We often think of homelessness as an issue limited to big cities. In reality, homelessness does not discriminate, and occurs in all geographic contexts – from urban centres, to the...
Myths and Questions about Homelessness
There are many myths and stereotypes that people believe about homelessness. This misinformation is problematic, as it further contributes to the stigmatization of a population that is already marginalized. In...
How can we incorporate Trauma Informed Care into service delivery?
What is Trauma Informed Care? Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is an approach that embraces an understanding of trauma at every step of service delivery. This model requires a compassionate and understanding...
Infectious diseases among those experiencing homelessness
People experiencing homelessness are at an increased vulnerability of being exposed to and/or contracting various infectious diseases. This is because of difficulties related to their experiences of homelessness including: maintaining personal hygiene, obtaining adequate...
Vacant Homes and Affordable Housing
This post is part of our “Ask the Hub” blog series. Have a homeless-related question you want answered? E-mail us at and we will provide a research-based answer. Question: Where there are...
Cultural sensitivity: Accommodating racialized & newcomer communities
People experiencing homelessness in Canada include a disproportionate number of individuals from racialized and newcomer communities. Racialized persons are defined as individuals who are non-Caucasian. Factors such as discrimination, language...